New Patients
So your friends and family have been telling you that you need to see a chiropractor, but you haven’t done it yet because:
You’re Afraid it will hurt?
You’re afraid it will cost too much?
You heard that once you start with a Chiropractor, you have to keep going back forever?
You heard neck adjustments can cause strokes?
Your problem is in your (foot, knee, wrist, elbow, shoulder, jaw, etc.). Chiropractors only treat backs, right?
You’re afraid it will hurt?
Congratulations! You’re in good company. Many of our new patients come to us worried their treatment will be painful. If you become a patient here, can we guarantee your treatment will never produce any discomfort at all? No we can’t.
But can we assure you that discomfort is uncommon and, when it occurs, usually mild? YES.
Can we tell you that a common response to first treatment is for patients to laugh because they are so relieved by how comfortable and gentle it is? YES.
Can we tell you we that we have gone to great lengths to learn and develop MANY different ways to do everything we do so we can always find a way that is both comfortable and safe? YES.
And can we promise you we will NEVER do anything without thoroughly explaining it and getting your clear agreement that you want us to do it? ABSOLUTELY YES.
Done right, Chiropractic care is:
Safe,Comfortable and Effective
We NEVER refuse ANYONE care for inability to pay – there is always a way to make it affordable.
You heard that once you start with a Chiropractor, you have to keep going back forever?
I’ve heard the same is true of dentists, hair stylists and the guy who changes the oil in your car. But do you really HAVE to keep going back to any of these people? No you don’t HAVE to, but many people CHOOSE to because they find the consequences of not going back are much worse than the minor inconvenience and expense of ongoing good care for their teeth, their hair, their car or their SPINE.
Most patients come to see us in pain. Many find that after a few weeks of care, not only is their pain gone, but they have more energy, sleep better, think more clearly and have a general sense of well-being that they want to keep forever. When they ask us how to accomplish that we explain it is a combination of good self-care with diet, rest, exercise, stress management, etc. and infrequent but regular visits to the chiropractor. If they CHOOSE to continue care, we welcome them as a wellness patient. If they choose not to, we release them and wish them well.
The choice is ALWAYS yours.
You heard neck adjustments can cause strokes?
There have been irresponsible news reports that have frightened and mislead viewers about the relationship between manipulation of the upper neck (a procedure commonly performed by chiropractors) and stroke.
People have had strokes backing their cars out of their driveways, having their hair washed at beauty parlors, while shaving, while sitting on their couch, etc. That doesn’t mean any of these things caused the stroke.
A recent study in Spine (the most prestigious journal in spinal care) showed there is no greater likelihood of having a stroke after visiting a chiropractor than there is after visiting a medical doctor. Visits to both MD’s and Chiropractors are associated with strokes in that people experiencing some kinds of strokes often feel neck pain or headache that makes them seek a doctor’s care. In other words, the stroke causes the doctor visit, not the other way around.
Chiropractic care is VERY safe.
Your problem is in your (foot, knee, wrist, elbow, shoulder, jaw, etc.). Chiropractors only treat backs, right?
We like to joke that we are a “full service shop”
We offer safe, comfortable and EFFECTIVE treatment not only for backs, but for painful shoulders, elbows, knees, feet, jaws, wrists, ankles, ribs, etc. as well. Among the many specific conditions we can help are:
Shoulder tendinitis/bursitis
Tennis elbow
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Hip tendinitis/bursitis
Knee tendinitis
Ankle sprains
Plantar fasciitis
TMJ (jaw) pain
and much more!
And if we can’t help you, we’ll help refer you to someone who can.
Already have an appointment or thinking about making one? Please feel free to download and fill out our new patient forms found below.